Free Love Readings

Hearts Afire Love is a wonderful gift from Oshun. It is the reason mankind hasn’t died out. Every creature from the tiniest microbe to the largest sea mammal seeks some sort of union and affection in its way. As crucial as love is to life though, it can be wrought with fear and frustration. To help clear away some confusion and figure out whether you are compatible with someone you love, or if there may be some problem, I do a love reading. It’s a fast way to at least know where things stand at the moment.

This “automatic” love reading engine is fueled by daily observance as well as special offerings to Orisha Orunmila, Ogun, and Sheloya’s personal spirit allies, to promote accuracy. It is provided for cultural and entertainment purposes only, and not meant to replace professional advice or therapy. There is very little chance that the reading will come out totally wrong, but if it seems a bit grim it doesn’t mean all is definitely lost. On the other hand, even if it is relatively positive, it doesn’t mean that nothing can go wrong. Though the road may be somewhat predestined, how we choose to travel and our attitude about it is still up to the individual.

If you just want to know quickly what the Orishas have to say about your relationship right now, here it is:

Eshu x2

Eshu has bestowed you luck in love.

Right now, you are at a high point in your luck in seduction or matters of the heart. If you state your feelings sincerely or go out to flirt within the next three days, you have a better chance than normal of success.

To confirm your blessing, you should give Eshu some sort of offering. These can be given at a crossroads, a corner, or an in-between place like between two trees or between two buildings.

You are HOT right now.

The Cuteness!

The Ancestors want children from this match.

Well, they at least want you to have consensual sexual relations with the object of your desires. You should try to seduce them if it is at all possible.

If you have been dragging your feet, this is your signal to make a move or commit. If you have been too proud to initiate, or you think you are out of their league, then this is the message to put your ego aside.

This person is a gift for you that you should not take for granted. If you mess it up or can’t get your ego out of the way of your heart, you may lose your chance.

If the Ancestors are conflicting with Eshu, it means that you should either “hit it and forget it” or keep things focused around having children and/or appearances if needed. Do not expect to have an all-around relationship with this person. They are to serve a specific purpose in your life. At least this is how they should be treated. They may care for you, but some people’s background does not allow for much intimacy or any possible room for any illusion that they can afford to not perform their function. This is a common divination result nowadays when people have a “disney” idea of romance that they can for example, not feed their children properly and still be viewed as a good parent, or stress and neglect their partner sexually and still expect monogamy. Some people you have to seemingly mistreat or be harsh with in order to keep them.

If the Ancestors are conflicting with Oshun, it could mean that you are the one in the relationship with the crazy demands or belief that you can be dysfunctional and still have or keep a partner. For some reason, no matter how messed up you are, your Ancestors are loving and strong, and they know that you will have a good life if you stick with this person. So even though you are having doubts about your feelings because you know your potential partner is demanding or “high maintenance”, being with them will be good for you, and your feelings are not what is important because you are flakey and fickle. So your partner is like vegetables. Not your favorite food, but the best thing for you.

Alternatively, if there is a conflict with both Eshu and Oshun, it could mean that your potential partner doesn’t feel much for you, or would definitely not be good for the long term, but they are good breeding material. The babies would be healthy and/or very good additions to humanity.


Oshun brings love to this relationship.

This means the one you desire has feelings for you.

However, if the others do not approve then it means those feelings can’t really go anywhere good. If the Ancestors don’t approve, it is a complete bust. They are just there to basically give your heart some exercise.

If it’s just Eshu who doesn’t approve though, maybe some offerings might do some good. Get to the crossroads and get it done.

Dice Roll

Romantic love is not convenient.

Convenient love is not romantic.

You can’t fully have both. You need to decide which one it is that you want or which one is best for you.

If you choose romantic love, you can’t be overly concerned with society’s or family’s expectations or demands from you. You will have to either learn to love from afar, while giving your sentiments and the object of your passion the respect and support that you can, or you will have to fight.

Pursuing your passion is not easy, but it is usually worth the fight.


Sometimes it is not. Sometimes you haven’t fully thought things through. You may be willing to fight now, but will you still be willing when this person ages? Will you still be willing if your gamble on your passions leads you to poverty or at least fewer resources because of being shunned by your family or society? Are you willing to take the chance that it might or might not be worth it to the one you love? Are they willing to fight the fight at your side? Do you want them to?

If you take the convenient choice of being alone until you meet Mr. Ms. or Xr. Right, you may be more accepted, but will this make you want to wake up every morning and keep going? Be honest. There is no shame in being a “conformist”. Not everyone is built for fighting, especially since we are all mortal and have a limited number of years to have children or fulfill our life’s mission.

To be heroic in love is good for some but not for others. Either way, what you don’t want is to wake up one day realizing that you’ve been living someone else’s life and not your own. In matters of the heart and family it is especially crucial to take the lessons of your Ancestors.

You have many choices to make.

Once you commit to a choice, so long as you have been honest, respectful, and sincere, you will be blessed.


cowrie shell

This does not necessarily mean that everything is okay or that all hope is lost. It’s just speaking as to how things are at this moment, or what could be if things continue the way they are going.

You are not powerless.

If you prefer a reading by a human, contact K. Sis. Lasher.

Blessings and Ashé!


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